CmdArguments class

Class for performing verbose parsing of command line arguments. Accepts command line parameters in a variety of patterns, and puts the keys and values in a StringDictionary for easy use later.

public class CmdArguments : IDictionary<string, string>

Public Members

name description
CmdArguments(…) Standard Constructor
CaseSensitive { get; } Determines if command line argument keys are treated in a case senesitive manner. By default, the parser is case insensitive.
Count { get; } Retrieves the number of command line switches passed to the command line
IsReadOnly { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the Dictionary is read-only
Item { get; set; } Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
Keys { get; } Retrieves an ICollection of command line argument switches that were used
Values { get; } Retrieves an ICollection of the command line parameters passed to the switches. This is generally useless without knowing the corresponding keys.
Add(…) Adds a element with the provided key and value to the Dictionary, if they weren't part of the original command line argument string. (2 methods)
Clear() Removes all items from the Collection
Contains(…) Returns true if the Dictionary contains the command line switch specified in item
ContainsKey(…) Determines whether the Command Line arguments contain an element with the specified key. The Key is case insensitive.
CopyTo(…) Copies the elements of the Dictionary to an array, starting at the specified array index.
GetEnumerator() Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator for the IDictionary.
Remove(…) Removes the value with the specified command line switch from the Dictionary (2 methods)
TryGetValue(…) Gets the value associated with the specified command line switch.

See Also